Industrial Gas

In TASCO Group’s PTA plant site, we operate a self-sustained co-generation unit to ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity. The plant also has a H2 generation unit and an air separation unit (ASU) to provide high quality of H2 and O2 for the PTA production. ASU also produces industrial gases such as O2, N2, H2 and Ar. In TASCO Group’s MEK plant site, we also provide high quality of H2 for sale. In addition, SAFEWAY Gas, NSEnergy, Ho-Shin and EXCEL Chemical provide TASCO’s LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) business.

在TASCO集團的PTA工廠廠區內,設置有汽電共生裝置、氫氣生產裝置及空氣分離裝置(air separation unit, ASU),可提供高品質工業氣體如氧氣、氮氣以及氬氣。另外,在TASCO集團的MEK工廠廠區,也提供氫氣產品。此外,北海能源、北誼興業、合興實業及合興石化等公司提供完善的液化石油氣(LPG)之銷售和服務。

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