IPHO (Isophorone)
IPHO (Isophorone)
IPHO(Isophorone) is made from acetone. Isophorone has excellent solvent properties for resins, and numerous chemical products. It is used as high boiling solvent in paints, printing inks. Also serves as starting material for production of several chemicals. To support the users industry, TASCO provides high purity grade of IPHO product.
In order to develop and maintain our IPHO market in Europe, TASCO had REACH pre-registration certificate of IPHO product.
IPHO (異佛爾酮)是由丙酮反應而製成,IPHO是一優良有機溶劑,主要用於塗料、油墨及清潔劑和殺蟲劑中間體。
Substance Information